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 Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Frank Knight utilize a behavior program called PBIS (Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports).  PBIS is a data-driven, research-based program that helps create a positive and safe learning environment for all.

Be Respectful, Live Responsibly,

Unite Together, Excel Daily

We educate all children by designing lessons and acknowledgement for school-wide and classroom behavior support systems. Teachers consistently demonstrate and intentionally teach students appropriate behaviors. Language and expectations are positive and consistent.

The team at ECS and FK have developed a matrix of expectations and acknowledgements that are used in the classroom, hallway, cafeteria, bathroom and bus. You’ll see our mascot, LITTLE BLUE,  and our expectations posted around the school.  We ask you to join us in teaching and praising positive behaviors! 

We encourage all students to BE BLUE!!

be blue sign with what letters stand for in word blue